Yeterlilik Kodu


Yeterlilik Adı
Acil Durum ve Afet Yönetimi Ön Lisans Diploması
Sorumlu KurumÜsküdar Üniversitesi
Sorumlu Kurum İletişim BilgisiAltunizade, Üniversite Sok. No:14, 34662 Üsküdar/İstanbul
Sorumlu Kurum URL
AYÇ Seviyesi5
Yeterlilik TYÇ’ye yerleştirilmemiştir.
TYÇ Seviyesi 5
Sınıflandırma (Tematik Alan)Tıbbi teşhis ve tedavi teknolojisi
Sınıflandırma (Meslek Kodu) -
Kredi Değeri120
Programın Normal Süresi 2
Program Profili (Amaç)

5. seviye akademik ve mesleki yeterlikleri kazandırmayı amaçlayan bir ön lisans programıdır. Öğrenci, 120 AKTS/ECTS kredisini tamamlayarak programdan mezun olur. Eğitim süresi 2 yıl (Staj süresi dâhildir.) Öğrenci, YÖK’ün ilgili mevzuatı doğrultusunda yatay ve dikey geçiş yapar.

Tam burslu eğitim sağlamaktadır.

Öğrenme Ortamları-
Öğrenme Kazanımları (Tanım)
  • Acil durum haberleşme sistemleri hakkında bilgi sahibi olmak.
  • Acil durum yönetim evrelerini bilmek.
  • Acil durum ve afet esnasında kaynak kullanımını bilmek.
  • Örgütsel ve bireyse iletişim kurmak.
  • Senaryo hazırlayabilmek.
  • Senaryo hazırlayabilmek.
  • Liderlik yapabilmek.
  • Karar vermek ve problemi çözmek.
  • Acil durumlarda yönetim kaynaklarını kullanabilmek.
  • Acil Durum ve Afetlerde Lojistik Uygulamalarını Bilmek.
  • Mesleki etik ilkelerine uymak.
  • Afet ve acil durumlarda asgari standartları bilmek.
  • Zarar azaltmaya yönelik çalışmalar yapmak.
  • Yangın güvenliği ve itfaiyecilik konularını kavrama ve yorumlama becerisi kazanmak.
Anahtar Yetkinlikler -
Ölçme ve Değerlendirme Yöntemleri -
Kalite Güvencesi-
Giriş Şartı

Bölüme öğrenci kabulü, üniversitenin akademik ve yasal mevzuatı çerçevesinde ÖSYM tarafından belirlenen süreçleri tamamlama / sınavları başarma durumunda gerçekleşir. Çerçevesini Yükseköğretim Kurulunun (YÖK) oluşturduğu ilgili yönetmelikler doğrultusunda, bu programa öğrenci kabulü YGS olarak adlandırılan merkezi sınav sistemiyle YGS-2 puan türüne göre yapılmaktadır. Öğrenciler, öğrenim görmek istedikleri program tercihlerini bildirdikten sonra bu sınavdan aldıkları puana göre Öğrenci Seçme ve Yerleştirme Merkezi tarafından ilgili programlara yerleştirilmektedir.

Başarma ŞartlarıToplam 120 AKTS kredisini, programda belirtildiği şekilde zorunlu ve seçmeli derslerden alarak, minimum 2.00 genel not ortalamasıyla tamamlayan öğrenciler mezuniyete hak kazanır.
İlerleme Yolları (İlişki Türü)

Acil Durum ve Afet Yönetimi programından mezun olanlar, kazandıkları yeterlikler doğrultusunda; Afet ve Acil Durum Başkanlığına bağlı il müdürlüklerinde, Afet Yönetim ve Koordinasyon Merkezlerinde, itfaiye teşkilatlarında, sivil savunma arama ve kurtarma birliklerinde, özel sektör ve sivil toplum kuruluşlarında afet yönetimiyle ilgili alanlarda, kamu kurum ve kuruluşları (hastane, okullar, … vb) ile yerel yönetimlerin ilgili birimlerinde, uluslararası kuruluşlarda afet yönetimiyle ilgili organizasyonlarda çalışma imkânı bulabilirler.

Yasal Dayanağı-
Geçerlilik Süresi (Varsa)

Yeterlilik sürekli geçerlidir.

Yeterliliğe Erişim için İnternet Adresi Adresi Aç
Yeterlilik Kodu


Yeterlilik Adı
Acil Durum ve Afet Yönetimi Ön Lisans Diploması

Sorumlu Kurum
Üsküdar Üniversitesi

Sorumlu Kurum İletişim Bilgisi
Altunizade, Üniversite Sok. No:14, 34662 Üsküdar/İstanbul

Sorumlu Kurum URL


Sınıflandırma (Meslek Kodu)

AYÇ Seviyesi

TYÇ Seviyesi
Yeterlilik TYÇ’ye yerleştirilmemiştir.

Sınıflandırma (Meslek Kodu)


Kredi Değeri

Programın Normal Süresi

Program Profili (Amaç)

5. seviye akademik ve mesleki yeterlikleri kazandırmayı amaçlayan bir ön lisans programıdır. Öğrenci, 120 AKTS/ECTS kredisini tamamlayarak programdan mezun olur. Eğitim süresi 2 yıl (Staj süresi dâhildir.) Öğrenci, YÖK’ün ilgili mevzuatı doğrultusunda yatay ve dikey geçiş yapar.

Tam burslu eğitim sağlamaktadır.

Öğrenme Ortamları

Öğrenme Kazanımları (Tanım)
  • Acil durum haberleşme sistemleri hakkında bilgi sahibi olmak.
  • Acil durum yönetim evrelerini bilmek.
  • Acil durum ve afet esnasında kaynak kullanımını bilmek.
  • Örgütsel ve bireyse iletişim kurmak.
  • Senaryo hazırlayabilmek.
  • Senaryo hazırlayabilmek.
  • Liderlik yapabilmek.
  • Karar vermek ve problemi çözmek.
  • Acil durumlarda yönetim kaynaklarını kullanabilmek.
  • Acil Durum ve Afetlerde Lojistik Uygulamalarını Bilmek.
  • Mesleki etik ilkelerine uymak.
  • Afet ve acil durumlarda asgari standartları bilmek.
  • Zarar azaltmaya yönelik çalışmalar yapmak.
  • Yangın güvenliği ve itfaiyecilik konularını kavrama ve yorumlama becerisi kazanmak.

Anahtar Yetkinlikler

Ölçme ve Değerlendirme Yöntemleri

Kalite Güvencesi

Giriş Şartı

Bölüme öğrenci kabulü, üniversitenin akademik ve yasal mevzuatı çerçevesinde ÖSYM tarafından belirlenen süreçleri tamamlama / sınavları başarma durumunda gerçekleşir. Çerçevesini Yükseköğretim Kurulunun (YÖK) oluşturduğu ilgili yönetmelikler doğrultusunda, bu programa öğrenci kabulü YGS olarak adlandırılan merkezi sınav sistemiyle YGS-2 puan türüne göre yapılmaktadır. Öğrenciler, öğrenim görmek istedikleri program tercihlerini bildirdikten sonra bu sınavdan aldıkları puana göre Öğrenci Seçme ve Yerleştirme Merkezi tarafından ilgili programlara yerleştirilmektedir.

Başarma Şartları
Toplam 120 AKTS kredisini, programda belirtildiği şekilde zorunlu ve seçmeli derslerden alarak, minimum 2.00 genel not ortalamasıyla tamamlayan öğrenciler mezuniyete hak kazanır.

İlerleme Yolları (İlişki Türü)

Acil Durum ve Afet Yönetimi programından mezun olanlar, kazandıkları yeterlikler doğrultusunda; Afet ve Acil Durum Başkanlığına bağlı il müdürlüklerinde, Afet Yönetim ve Koordinasyon Merkezlerinde, itfaiye teşkilatlarında, sivil savunma arama ve kurtarma birliklerinde, özel sektör ve sivil toplum kuruluşlarında afet yönetimiyle ilgili alanlarda, kamu kurum ve kuruluşları (hastane, okullar, … vb) ile yerel yönetimlerin ilgili birimlerinde, uluslararası kuruluşlarda afet yönetimiyle ilgili organizasyonlarda çalışma imkânı bulabilirler.

Yasal Dayanağı

Geçerlilik Süresi (Varsa)

Yeterlilik sürekli geçerlidir.

Yeterliliğe Erişim için İnternet Adresi
Adresi Aç

Qualification Code


Qualification Title
Acil Durum ve Afet Yönetimi Associate
Awarding BodyUskudar University
Awarding Body Contact
Awarding Body Url
EQF Level5
The Qualification hasn't been included in TQF.
TQF Level 5
Thematic AreasMedical diagnostic and treatment technology
National Occupation Classification -
Credit Value120
Program Duration2
Program Profile-
Learning Environments-

Having information about emergency communication systems. Knowing the emergency management know the utilization of resources during emergencies and disasters.Establish organizational and individual communication.To prepare scenarios.To prepare scenarios.can lead to.Decide and solve problems.To use government resources in emergency situations.Know Logistics Practice in Emergency and comply with professional ethics.Disaster and know the minimum standards in emergency situations.working towards mitigation.Fire safety and firefighting issues of understanding and interpreting skills to win.

Key Competencies-
Further Info

Letter Grade equivalent scores on Weight Coefficient 100 4.00 B 3.50 85-89 90-100 BB CB 80-84 3:00 2:50 2:00 CC 75-79 70-74 65-69 DD DC 1:50 1:00 0:50 FDA 60-64 50-59 FF 0:00 0-49 a as a course grade, BA, BB, CB, CC, DC and DD students are considered successful in that course. The students can be successful in a course from the course he must take at least DD. (FDA), (FF), (DT) is failing students repeat the course grade areas that need. GPA (General Weighted Grade Point Average) of water is 2.00 or higher, and training programs in the failed course no student is considered successful. GPA (General Weighted Grade Point Average) of water is passed to the probation status students staying below 1.80. A student with a probation status at the end of the fourth semester, the first to exit the probation status (CC) Under certain courses taken note repeats.1) textbooks containing the updated information in the field of Emergency and Disaster Management evaluates application tools and other resources with the acquired theoretical and practical courses in professionally supported basic information and apply.2) Emergency and Disaster Management area to inform individuals and organizations about using the basic knowledge and skills they possess in issues related to transfers of ideas and solutions to problems orally and in writing.3) Emergency and given the task of using the basic knowledge and skills related to disaster management area owned executes independently.4) Emergency and Disaster Management area encountered unforeseen and in related applications comply with quality management and processes taking place in the team to solve complex problems and take individual responsibility required.5) Emergency and Disaster Management field collection of data related to the interpretation, implementation and announcement of results in social, scientific, cultural and ethical values ??in accordance with the act.6) Emergency and Disaster Management serves as an individual working in the field of law relating to the rights and responsibilities, act in accordance with regulations and legislation.8) with the computer software required by the Emergency and Disaster Management area successfully used information and communication technologies. 9) Emergency and Disaster Management knowledge and skills acquired in the basic level obtained in the field of data reviews and evaluates, identifies problems, analyze and take part in activities planned for solution / take responsibility.10) information on the Emergency and Disaster Management, updating skills and competencies for lifelong learning awareness program to develop themselves personally and professionally necessary, to participate in professional-service training and other activities.11) Emergency and Disaster Management areas of society and monitors events and is sensitive to developments in the worlds agenda.12) observing professional and ethical values ??in the field can develop solutions.

Quality Assurance-
Access Requirements

Student admission to the department, the universitys academic and legislative process of completing the framework set by the ÖSYM / happens if achievement exams. The framework of the Council of Higher Education (YOK) formed in accordance with relevant regulations, this program is based on the acceptance of students YGS-2 score in the central examination system called the SDK. Students expressed their preference after the program they want to study according to their scores from this exam by the Student Selection and Placement Center is placed on programs.

Conditions for Success1) textbooks containing the updated information in the field of Emergency and Disaster Management evaluates application tools and other resources with the acquired theoretical and practical courses in professionally supported basic information and apply.2) Emergency and Disaster Management area to inform individuals and organizations about using the basic knowledge and skills they possess in issues related to transfers of ideas and solutions to problems orally and in writing.3) Emergency and given the task of using the basic knowledge and skills related to disaster management area owned executes independently.4) Emergency and Disaster Management area encountered unforeseen and in related applications comply with quality management and processes taking place in the team to solve complex problems and take individual responsibility required.5) Emergency and Disaster Management field collection of data related to the interpretation, implementation and announcement of results in social, scientific, cultural and ethical values ??in accordance with the act.6) Emergency and Disaster Management serves as an individual working in the field of law relating to the rights and responsibilities, act in accordance with regulations and legislation.8) with the computer software required by the Emergency and Disaster Management area successfully used information and communication technologies. 9) Emergency and Disaster Management knowledge and skills acquired in the basic level obtained in the field of data reviews and evaluates, identifies problems, analyze and take part in activities planned for solution / take responsibility.10) information on the Emergency and Disaster Management, updating skills and competencies for lifelong learning awareness program to develop themselves personally and professionally necessary, to participate in professional-service training and other activities.11) Emergency and Disaster Management areas of society and monitors events and is sensitive to developments in the worlds agenda.12) observing professional and ethical values ??in the field can develop solutions.A total of 120 ECTS credits, taking the compulsory and elective courses as specified in the program, students completed with a minimum 2.00 cumulative grade point average are eligible to graduate.
Progression Paths (Relationship Type)

Graduates of Emergency and Disaster Management program, in accordance with qualifications gained; Disasters and the Emergency Management Presidency due to provincial directorates, the Disaster Management and Coordination Center, the fire brigade, civil defense and search and rescue units in the private sector and areas related to disaster management in non-governmental organizations, public institutions (hospitals, schools, ... etc.) and local in the relevant departments of government, they are they can work in organizations related to disaster management in international organizations.

Legal Basis-
Validity Period (If Any)

Qualification is continuous

Url Open Address
Qualification Code


Qualification Title
Acil Durum ve Afet Yönetimi Associate

Awarding Body
Uskudar University

Awarding Body Contact

Awarding Body Url


National Occupation Classification

EQF Level

TQF Level
The Qualification hasn't been included in TQF.

National Occupation Classification


Credit Value

Program Duration

Program Profile

Learning Environments


Having information about emergency communication systems. Knowing the emergency management know the utilization of resources during emergencies and disasters.Establish organizational and individual communication.To prepare scenarios.To prepare scenarios.can lead to.Decide and solve problems.To use government resources in emergency situations.Know Logistics Practice in Emergency and comply with professional ethics.Disaster and know the minimum standards in emergency situations.working towards mitigation.Fire safety and firefighting issues of understanding and interpreting skills to win.

Key Competencies

Further Info

Letter Grade equivalent scores on Weight Coefficient 100 4.00 B 3.50 85-89 90-100 BB CB 80-84 3:00 2:50 2:00 CC 75-79 70-74 65-69 DD DC 1:50 1:00 0:50 FDA 60-64 50-59 FF 0:00 0-49 a as a course grade, BA, BB, CB, CC, DC and DD students are considered successful in that course. The students can be successful in a course from the course he must take at least DD. (FDA), (FF), (DT) is failing students repeat the course grade areas that need. GPA (General Weighted Grade Point Average) of water is 2.00 or higher, and training programs in the failed course no student is considered successful. GPA (General Weighted Grade Point Average) of water is passed to the probation status students staying below 1.80. A student with a probation status at the end of the fourth semester, the first to exit the probation status (CC) Under certain courses taken note repeats.1) textbooks containing the updated information in the field of Emergency and Disaster Management evaluates application tools and other resources with the acquired theoretical and practical courses in professionally supported basic information and apply.2) Emergency and Disaster Management area to inform individuals and organizations about using the basic knowledge and skills they possess in issues related to transfers of ideas and solutions to problems orally and in writing.3) Emergency and given the task of using the basic knowledge and skills related to disaster management area owned executes independently.4) Emergency and Disaster Management area encountered unforeseen and in related applications comply with quality management and processes taking place in the team to solve complex problems and take individual responsibility required.5) Emergency and Disaster Management field collection of data related to the interpretation, implementation and announcement of results in social, scientific, cultural and ethical values ??in accordance with the act.6) Emergency and Disaster Management serves as an individual working in the field of law relating to the rights and responsibilities, act in accordance with regulations and legislation.8) with the computer software required by the Emergency and Disaster Management area successfully used information and communication technologies. 9) Emergency and Disaster Management knowledge and skills acquired in the basic level obtained in the field of data reviews and evaluates, identifies problems, analyze and take part in activities planned for solution / take responsibility.10) information on the Emergency and Disaster Management, updating skills and competencies for lifelong learning awareness program to develop themselves personally and professionally necessary, to participate in professional-service training and other activities.11) Emergency and Disaster Management areas of society and monitors events and is sensitive to developments in the worlds agenda.12) observing professional and ethical values ??in the field can develop solutions.

Quality Assurance

Access Requirements

Student admission to the department, the universitys academic and legislative process of completing the framework set by the ÖSYM / happens if achievement exams. The framework of the Council of Higher Education (YOK) formed in accordance with relevant regulations, this program is based on the acceptance of students YGS-2 score in the central examination system called the SDK. Students expressed their preference after the program they want to study according to their scores from this exam by the Student Selection and Placement Center is placed on programs.

Conditions for Success
1) textbooks containing the updated information in the field of Emergency and Disaster Management evaluates application tools and other resources with the acquired theoretical and practical courses in professionally supported basic information and apply.2) Emergency and Disaster Management area to inform individuals and organizations about using the basic knowledge and skills they possess in issues related to transfers of ideas and solutions to problems orally and in writing.3) Emergency and given the task of using the basic knowledge and skills related to disaster management area owned executes independently.4) Emergency and Disaster Management area encountered unforeseen and in related applications comply with quality management and processes taking place in the team to solve complex problems and take individual responsibility required.5) Emergency and Disaster Management field collection of data related to the interpretation, implementation and announcement of results in social, scientific, cultural and ethical values ??in accordance with the act.6) Emergency and Disaster Management serves as an individual working in the field of law relating to the rights and responsibilities, act in accordance with regulations and legislation.8) with the computer software required by the Emergency and Disaster Management area successfully used information and communication technologies. 9) Emergency and Disaster Management knowledge and skills acquired in the basic level obtained in the field of data reviews and evaluates, identifies problems, analyze and take part in activities planned for solution / take responsibility.10) information on the Emergency and Disaster Management, updating skills and competencies for lifelong learning awareness program to develop themselves personally and professionally necessary, to participate in professional-service training and other activities.11) Emergency and Disaster Management areas of society and monitors events and is sensitive to developments in the worlds agenda.12) observing professional and ethical values ??in the field can develop solutions.A total of 120 ECTS credits, taking the compulsory and elective courses as specified in the program, students completed with a minimum 2.00 cumulative grade point average are eligible to graduate.

Progression Paths (Relationship Type)

Graduates of Emergency and Disaster Management program, in accordance with qualifications gained; Disasters and the Emergency Management Presidency due to provincial directorates, the Disaster Management and Coordination Center, the fire brigade, civil defense and search and rescue units in the private sector and areas related to disaster management in non-governmental organizations, public institutions (hospitals, schools, ... etc.) and local in the relevant departments of government, they are they can work in organizations related to disaster management in international organizations.

Legal Basis

Validity Period (If Any)

Qualification is continuous

Open Address