Yeterlilik Kodu


Yeterlilik Adı
Tekstil Teknolojisi Ön Lisans Diploması
Sorumlu KurumTokat Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi
Sorumlu Kurum İletişim BilgisiGaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi, Taşlıçiftlik Yerleşkesi
Sorumlu Kurum URL
AYÇ Seviyesi5
Yeterlilik TYÇ’ye yerleştirilmemiştir.
TYÇ Seviyesi 5
Sınıflandırma (Tematik Alan)Tekstil (kıyafetler, ayakkabı ve deri)
Sınıflandırma (Meslek Kodu) -
Kredi Değeri120
Programın Normal Süresi 2
Program Profili (Amaç)-
Öğrenme Ortamları-
Öğrenme Kazanımları (Tanım)
  • Tekstil Teknolojisi Programı çalışma alanlarındaki teknolojik gelişmeleri takip etme ve mesleki çalışmalarında uygulama becerisi kazanır.
  • Tekstil Teknolojisi Programı alanlarıyla ilgili hesaplamaları yapabilme ve sonuçlarını değerlendirebilme becerisi kazanır.
  • Tekstil Teknolojisi Programı çalışma alanlarında üretim öncesi, üretim sırasında ve üretim sonrası kontrolleri yapma ve sonuçları yorumlama becerisi kazanır.
  • Tekstil Teknolojisi Programında milli çıkarları da göz önünde bulundurarak mesleki ve etik sorumluluk bilincine sahip olma becerisi kazanır.
  • Tekstil Teknolojisi Programında kalite bilincine sahip olma, toplumsal sorunlara duyarlı olma, çevre sağlığı ve güvenliğine önem verme duyarlılığı ve becerisi kazanır.
  • Tekstil Teknolojisi Programı ile ilgili temel bilgileri kazanır.
  • Tekstil Teknolojisi Programında kullanılan bilgisayar programlarıyla ilgili bilgi edinir.
  • Tekstil Teknolojisi Programında elyaf, iplik, dokuma, örme, terbiye, konfeksiyon vb. Konularında bilgi sahibi olur.
  • Tekstil Teknolojisi Programında işletme becerilerine yönelik yeterlilik kazanır.
  • Tekstil Teknolojisi Programında metedolojik bilgi edinir ve araştırma yeteneği kazanır.
  • Tekstil Teknolojisi Programında tekstil üretim ve kullanım sorunlarının çözümüne ilişkin yeni yaklaşımları benimser Toplumsal sorumluluk ve iş ahlakı bilincini kazanır.
  • Kumaş hazırlığı yapma, selüloz esaslı tekstil mamullerine hidrofilleştirme, ağartma ve merserizasyon yapma yeterliliği kazanır.
  • Program sonunda protein esaslı mamullere asit, krom, metal kompleks boyar maddelerle boyama ve protein karışım liflerini boyama yeterlikleri kazanır
Anahtar Yetkinlikler -
Ölçme ve Değerlendirme Yöntemleri -
Kalite Güvencesi-
Giriş Şartı-
Başarma ŞartlarıTekstil Teknolojisi Programından mezun olup Tekstil Teknikeri unvanı alıp ön lisans derecesi elde edebilmek için öğrencilerin programda alması gereken zorunlu ve seçimlik derslerin (toplam 120 AKTS karşılığı) tümünü başarıyla tamamlaması, 30 işgünü Endüstri Dayalı Öğretim çalışmasını tamamlaması ve genel ağırlıklı not ortalamasının 4.00 üzerinden en az 2.0 olması gerekir. 
İlerleme Yolları (İlişki Türü)

Mezun öğrenciler serbest tekstil teknikeri olarak çalışabildikleri gibi, tekstil sektöründe, desen bürolarında ve hazır giyim sektöründe kumaş kalite kontrol elemanı olarak çalışabilirler.

Yasal Dayanağı-
Geçerlilik Süresi (Varsa)

Yeterlilik sürekli geçerlidir.

Yeterliliğe Erişim için İnternet Adresi Adresi Aç
Yeterlilik Kodu


Yeterlilik Adı
Tekstil Teknolojisi Ön Lisans Diploması

Sorumlu Kurum
Tokat Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi

Sorumlu Kurum İletişim Bilgisi
Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi, Taşlıçiftlik Yerleşkesi

Sorumlu Kurum URL


Sınıflandırma (Meslek Kodu)

AYÇ Seviyesi

TYÇ Seviyesi
Yeterlilik TYÇ’ye yerleştirilmemiştir.

Sınıflandırma (Meslek Kodu)


Kredi Değeri

Programın Normal Süresi

Program Profili (Amaç)

Öğrenme Ortamları

Öğrenme Kazanımları (Tanım)
  • Tekstil Teknolojisi Programı çalışma alanlarındaki teknolojik gelişmeleri takip etme ve mesleki çalışmalarında uygulama becerisi kazanır.
  • Tekstil Teknolojisi Programı alanlarıyla ilgili hesaplamaları yapabilme ve sonuçlarını değerlendirebilme becerisi kazanır.
  • Tekstil Teknolojisi Programı çalışma alanlarında üretim öncesi, üretim sırasında ve üretim sonrası kontrolleri yapma ve sonuçları yorumlama becerisi kazanır.
  • Tekstil Teknolojisi Programında milli çıkarları da göz önünde bulundurarak mesleki ve etik sorumluluk bilincine sahip olma becerisi kazanır.
  • Tekstil Teknolojisi Programında kalite bilincine sahip olma, toplumsal sorunlara duyarlı olma, çevre sağlığı ve güvenliğine önem verme duyarlılığı ve becerisi kazanır.
  • Tekstil Teknolojisi Programı ile ilgili temel bilgileri kazanır.
  • Tekstil Teknolojisi Programında kullanılan bilgisayar programlarıyla ilgili bilgi edinir.
  • Tekstil Teknolojisi Programında elyaf, iplik, dokuma, örme, terbiye, konfeksiyon vb. Konularında bilgi sahibi olur.
  • Tekstil Teknolojisi Programında işletme becerilerine yönelik yeterlilik kazanır.
  • Tekstil Teknolojisi Programında metedolojik bilgi edinir ve araştırma yeteneği kazanır.
  • Tekstil Teknolojisi Programında tekstil üretim ve kullanım sorunlarının çözümüne ilişkin yeni yaklaşımları benimser Toplumsal sorumluluk ve iş ahlakı bilincini kazanır.
  • Kumaş hazırlığı yapma, selüloz esaslı tekstil mamullerine hidrofilleştirme, ağartma ve merserizasyon yapma yeterliliği kazanır.
  • Program sonunda protein esaslı mamullere asit, krom, metal kompleks boyar maddelerle boyama ve protein karışım liflerini boyama yeterlikleri kazanır

Anahtar Yetkinlikler

Ölçme ve Değerlendirme Yöntemleri

Kalite Güvencesi

Giriş Şartı

Başarma Şartları
Tekstil Teknolojisi Programından mezun olup Tekstil Teknikeri unvanı alıp ön lisans derecesi elde edebilmek için öğrencilerin programda alması gereken zorunlu ve seçimlik derslerin (toplam 120 AKTS karşılığı) tümünü başarıyla tamamlaması, 30 işgünü Endüstri Dayalı Öğretim çalışmasını tamamlaması ve genel ağırlıklı not ortalamasının 4.00 üzerinden en az 2.0 olması gerekir. 

İlerleme Yolları (İlişki Türü)

Mezun öğrenciler serbest tekstil teknikeri olarak çalışabildikleri gibi, tekstil sektöründe, desen bürolarında ve hazır giyim sektöründe kumaş kalite kontrol elemanı olarak çalışabilirler.

Yasal Dayanağı

Geçerlilik Süresi (Varsa)

Yeterlilik sürekli geçerlidir.

Yeterliliğe Erişim için İnternet Adresi
Adresi Aç

Qualification Code


Qualification Title
Awarding BodyTokat Gaziosmanpaşa University
Awarding Body Contact
Awarding Body Url
EQF Level5
The Qualification hasn't been included in TQF.
TQF Level 5
Thematic AreasTextiles (clothes, footwear and leather)
National Occupation Classification -
Credit Value-
Program Duration-
Program Profile-
Learning Environments-
  • To be able to follow the developments in Textile Technology Program and to be able to use them in his/her Professional life.
  • To be able to gain the ability to make mathematical operations and evaluate the outcomes.
  • To be able to evaluate the outcomes of the controls which are made pre-production, during production and after production.
  • To be able to gain the consioussness of the Professional ethic and responsibility with the benefit of the nation.
  • To be able to responsible to the environment and sensitive to the public problems and have the consiousness of the quality.
  • To be able to gain the basic knowledge of the textile.
  • To be able to know the computer programs used int the program.
  • To be able to know the knowledge of the fiber, yarn, weaving, knitting, etc.
  • To gain the efficiency of company skills.
  • To be able to give methodological knowledge and to be able to gain the research skills.
  • To be able to adopt the new approaches to the solutions of the program.
  • To be able to gain the public responsibility and business ethics.
  • Prepare the cloth, to be able to bleach and do the other technical processes used in the program.
  • To be able to make dying processes throughout the program
Key Competencies-
Further Info
  • The success of students in achieving the expected learning outcomes of the each course unit within the curriculum of Textile Technologies Programme is evaluated via assessments of in-term activities and final examination which takes place at the end of each semester.
  • Assessment of in-term activities includes a minimum number of a mid-term examination, a homework and a short-exam (quiz) as compulsory assessment methods for all the course units within all degree programmes defined by the Regulations.
  • The programmes are encouraged to define more assessment methods for the in-term activities depending on their needs for measuring the achievements of the outcomes at the programme and course unit levels in order to ensure the educational aims and objectives.
  • The nature and number of the assessment methods used for each course unit together with their contribution the final grades are given under the title of “Assessment and Grading” in the sections of course descriptions.
  • These arrangements are announced in advance, at the beginning of each semester and published in the sections of the course descriptions on this web site.
  • Mid-term and final examinations are conducted in dates, places and times determined and announced by the University.
  • The students’ final semester grade is given by their instructors based on mid-term examination, homework evaluation, short-examinations, final examination and, if there is any, other assessment results taking into account the students’ compliance with attendance to the course activities.
  • The contributions of the grades of the in-term activities and final exam grade to the final success grade of a course are determined by the course instructor and announced to students within the first two weeks of the semester.
  • Moreover, the contribution of the final exam cannot be less than 40 % and higher than 60% for all the courses within all the degree programmes defined by the Regulations.
  • Course units, which do not require a mid-term, homework, short-exam and/or a final exam, such as work placement, are determined by the administration of the related departments and specific assessment and grading methods for these courses are also announced through the same channels described above.
  • Evaluation of such activities is made through the procedures defined by the Senate and assessed by Pass (P) or Fail (F) grades.
  • In order to graduate from Textile Technology Program and to get the title of Textile technician and associate degree, students must successfully complete all of the compulsory and elective courses (totally equivalent to120 ECTS) and 30 work days industry-based internship.
  • Overall grade point average must be at least 2.00 out of the 4.00 scale.
Quality Assurance-
Access Requirements

Candidates must have high school diploma and enough score from YGS-Higher Education Transition Examination.

Conditions for SuccessIn order to graduate from Textile Technology Program and to get the title of Textile technician and associate degree, students must successfully complete all of the compulsory and elective courses (totally equivalent to120 ECTS) and 30 work days industry-based internship. Overall grade point average must be at least 2.00 out of the 4.00 scale. In order to graduate from Textile Technology Program and to get the title of Textile technician and associate degree, students must successfully complete all of the compulsory and elective courses (totally equivalent to120 ECTS) and 30 work days industry-based internship. Overall grade point average must be at least 100 out of the 60 scale.
Progression Paths (Relationship Type)

Graduates of the department are awarded TEXTILE TECHNICIAN. Our Graduates can work as a technician, such as free designer at fashion and apparel industry, design studios, performing arts and related public and private institutions, the institutions and many other fields of film and television work as a designer.

Legal Basis-
Validity Period (If Any)

Qualification is continuous

Url Open Address
Qualification Code


Qualification Title

Awarding Body
Tokat Gaziosmanpaşa University

Awarding Body Contact

Awarding Body Url


National Occupation Classification

EQF Level

TQF Level
The Qualification hasn't been included in TQF.

National Occupation Classification


Credit Value

Program Duration

Program Profile

Learning Environments

  • To be able to follow the developments in Textile Technology Program and to be able to use them in his/her Professional life.
  • To be able to gain the ability to make mathematical operations and evaluate the outcomes.
  • To be able to evaluate the outcomes of the controls which are made pre-production, during production and after production.
  • To be able to gain the consioussness of the Professional ethic and responsibility with the benefit of the nation.
  • To be able to responsible to the environment and sensitive to the public problems and have the consiousness of the quality.
  • To be able to gain the basic knowledge of the textile.
  • To be able to know the computer programs used int the program.
  • To be able to know the knowledge of the fiber, yarn, weaving, knitting, etc.
  • To gain the efficiency of company skills.
  • To be able to give methodological knowledge and to be able to gain the research skills.
  • To be able to adopt the new approaches to the solutions of the program.
  • To be able to gain the public responsibility and business ethics.
  • Prepare the cloth, to be able to bleach and do the other technical processes used in the program.
  • To be able to make dying processes throughout the program

Key Competencies

Further Info
  • The success of students in achieving the expected learning outcomes of the each course unit within the curriculum of Textile Technologies Programme is evaluated via assessments of in-term activities and final examination which takes place at the end of each semester.
  • Assessment of in-term activities includes a minimum number of a mid-term examination, a homework and a short-exam (quiz) as compulsory assessment methods for all the course units within all degree programmes defined by the Regulations.
  • The programmes are encouraged to define more assessment methods for the in-term activities depending on their needs for measuring the achievements of the outcomes at the programme and course unit levels in order to ensure the educational aims and objectives.
  • The nature and number of the assessment methods used for each course unit together with their contribution the final grades are given under the title of “Assessment and Grading” in the sections of course descriptions.
  • These arrangements are announced in advance, at the beginning of each semester and published in the sections of the course descriptions on this web site.
  • Mid-term and final examinations are conducted in dates, places and times determined and announced by the University.
  • The students’ final semester grade is given by their instructors based on mid-term examination, homework evaluation, short-examinations, final examination and, if there is any, other assessment results taking into account the students’ compliance with attendance to the course activities.
  • The contributions of the grades of the in-term activities and final exam grade to the final success grade of a course are determined by the course instructor and announced to students within the first two weeks of the semester.
  • Moreover, the contribution of the final exam cannot be less than 40 % and higher than 60% for all the courses within all the degree programmes defined by the Regulations.
  • Course units, which do not require a mid-term, homework, short-exam and/or a final exam, such as work placement, are determined by the administration of the related departments and specific assessment and grading methods for these courses are also announced through the same channels described above.
  • Evaluation of such activities is made through the procedures defined by the Senate and assessed by Pass (P) or Fail (F) grades.
  • In order to graduate from Textile Technology Program and to get the title of Textile technician and associate degree, students must successfully complete all of the compulsory and elective courses (totally equivalent to120 ECTS) and 30 work days industry-based internship.
  • Overall grade point average must be at least 2.00 out of the 4.00 scale.

Quality Assurance

Access Requirements

Candidates must have high school diploma and enough score from YGS-Higher Education Transition Examination.

Conditions for Success
In order to graduate from Textile Technology Program and to get the title of Textile technician and associate degree, students must successfully complete all of the compulsory and elective courses (totally equivalent to120 ECTS) and 30 work days industry-based internship. Overall grade point average must be at least 2.00 out of the 4.00 scale. In order to graduate from Textile Technology Program and to get the title of Textile technician and associate degree, students must successfully complete all of the compulsory and elective courses (totally equivalent to120 ECTS) and 30 work days industry-based internship. Overall grade point average must be at least 100 out of the 60 scale.

Progression Paths (Relationship Type)

Graduates of the department are awarded TEXTILE TECHNICIAN. Our Graduates can work as a technician, such as free designer at fashion and apparel industry, design studios, performing arts and related public and private institutions, the institutions and many other fields of film and television work as a designer.

Legal Basis

Validity Period (If Any)

Qualification is continuous

Open Address