Yeterlilik Kodu


Yeterlilik Adı
Tıbbi Dokümantasyon ve Sekreterlik Ön Lisans Diploması
Sorumlu KurumÜsküdar Üniversitesi
Sorumlu Kurum İletişim BilgisiAltunizade, Üniversite Sok. No:14, 34662 Üsküdar/İstanbul
Sorumlu Kurum URL
AYÇ Seviyesi5
Yeterlilik TYÇ’ye yerleştirilmemiştir.
TYÇ Seviyesi 5
Sınıflandırma (Tematik Alan)Sekreterlik ve büro çalışması
Sınıflandırma (Meslek Kodu) -
Kredi Değeri120
Programın Normal Süresi 2
Program Profili (Amaç)

Tıbbi sekreterler özel ve kamu, kurum ve kuruluşlarında; hastanın randevu hizmetlerini düzenleme, kabul işlemlerini yapma, hastayı kurumun işleyişi ve tıbbi hizmetler konusunda bilgilendirme, hastaya ait kayıtları tutma, idari ve tıbbi ünitelerdeki haberleşme ve yazışma hizmetlerini yürütme, hasta dosyalarını ve gerekli görülen diğer belge ve raporları bilimsel metotlarla arşivleme ve hizmete sunma, hastalıkları-işlemleri ve sağlıkla ilgili sorunları belirlenen uluslararası sınıflandırma sistemlerine göre sınıflandırma ve kodlama işlemlerini yapma, tıbbi istatistikler ile ilgili verileri derleme ve bilimsel metotlarla analiz ederek sonuçları periyodik olarak ilgililere rapor etme görevlerini yerine getirirler.

Tam burslu eğitim sağlamaktadır.

Öğrenme Ortamları-
Öğrenme Kazanımları (Tanım)
  • Tıbbi dokümantasyon ve sekreterlik alanında kuramsal ve uygulamalı bilgiye sahiptir.
  • Tıbbi dokümantasyon ve sekreterlik alanındaki literatürü izleme, değerlendirme ve uygulayabilme bilgisine sahiptir.
  • Tıbbi dokümantasyon ve sekreterlik alanındaki etik ilkeler ve kurallarla ilgili bilgiye sahiptir.
  • Tıbbi dokümantasyon ve sekreterlik alanında edindiği temel düzeydeki bilgi ve becerileri kullanarak verileri yorumlar ve değerlendirir, sorunları tanımlar, analiz eder ve çözüm için planlanan çalışmalarda yer alır.
  • Tıbbi dokümantasyon ve sekreterlik alanındaki uygulamalar için gerekli olan bilgisayar programlarını, araçları ve bilişim teknolojilerini kullanır.
  • Tıbbi dokümantasyon ve sekreterlik alanında sahip olduğu temel bilgi birikimini kullanarak bireysel ve ekip üyesi olarak çalışır.
  • Tıbbi dokümantasyon ve sekreterlik alanında öngörülmeyen durumlarla karşılaştığında sahip olduğu temel bilgi birikimini kullanarak çözüm üretir.
  • Tıbbi dokümantasyon ve sekreterlik alanında sorumluluğu altında çalışanların bir proje çerçevesinde gelişimlerine yönelik etkinlikler düzenler ve yönetir.
  • Tıbbi dokümantasyon ve sekreterlik alanında sahip olduğu temel bilgi ve becerileri kullanarak ilgili kişi ve kurumları bilgilendirir, düşüncelerini ve sorunlara ilişkin çözüm önerilerini uzman olan ve olmayan kişilerle yazılı ve sözlü olarak paylaşır.
  • Tıbbi dokümantasyon ve sekreterlik alanı ile ilgili verilerin toplanması, yorumlanması, uygulanması ve sonuçlarının duyurulması aşamalarında toplumsal, bilimsel, kültürel ve etik değerlere uygun hareket eder.
  • Tıbbi dokümantasyon ve sekreterlik alanında kalite yönetimi ve süreçlerine uygun davranır ve bu süreçlere katılır.
Anahtar Yetkinlikler -
Ölçme ve Değerlendirme Yöntemleri -
Kalite Güvencesi-
Giriş Şartı

Bölüme öğrenci kabulü, üniversitenin akademik ve yasal mevzuatı çerçevesinde ÖSYM tarafından belirlenen süreçleri tamamlama / sınavları başarma durumunda gerçekleşir. Çerçevesini Yükseköğretim Kurulunun (YÖK) oluşturduğu ilgili yönetmelikler doğrultusunda, bu programa öğrenci kabulü YGS olarak adlandırılan merkezi sınav sistemiyle YGS-3 puan türüne göre yapılmaktadır. Öğrenciler, öğrenim görmek istedikleri program tercihlerini bildirdikten sonra bu sınavdan aldıkları puana göre Öğrenci Seçme ve Yerleştirme Merkezi tarafından ilgili programlara yerleştirilmektedir.

Başarma ŞartlarıToplam 120 AKTS kredisini, programda belirtildiği şekilde zorunlu ve seçmeli derslerden alarak, minimum 2.00 genel not ortalamasıyla tamamlayan öğrenciler mezuniyete hak kazanır.
İlerleme Yolları (İlişki Türü)

Mezunlar; kamu ve özel sağlık kurum ve kuruluşlarında “Sağlık Teknikeri” unvanı ile çalışabilmektedir. İstihdam alanları; Sağlık Bakanlığına bağlı kamu ve özel yataklı/yataksız sağlık kurum ve kuruluşlarının poliklinik ve klinik bilgi işlem hizmetlerinde, hasta kayıt ve kabulde, insan kaynakları birimlerinde ve merkezi tıbbi arşiv hizmetlerinde çalışabilmektedirler.

Yasal Dayanağı-
Geçerlilik Süresi (Varsa)

Yeterlilik sürekli geçerlidir.

Yeterliliğe Erişim için İnternet Adresi Adresi Aç
Yeterlilik Kodu


Yeterlilik Adı
Tıbbi Dokümantasyon ve Sekreterlik Ön Lisans Diploması

Sorumlu Kurum
Üsküdar Üniversitesi

Sorumlu Kurum İletişim Bilgisi
Altunizade, Üniversite Sok. No:14, 34662 Üsküdar/İstanbul

Sorumlu Kurum URL


Sınıflandırma (Meslek Kodu)

AYÇ Seviyesi

TYÇ Seviyesi
Yeterlilik TYÇ’ye yerleştirilmemiştir.

Sınıflandırma (Meslek Kodu)


Kredi Değeri

Programın Normal Süresi

Program Profili (Amaç)

Tıbbi sekreterler özel ve kamu, kurum ve kuruluşlarında; hastanın randevu hizmetlerini düzenleme, kabul işlemlerini yapma, hastayı kurumun işleyişi ve tıbbi hizmetler konusunda bilgilendirme, hastaya ait kayıtları tutma, idari ve tıbbi ünitelerdeki haberleşme ve yazışma hizmetlerini yürütme, hasta dosyalarını ve gerekli görülen diğer belge ve raporları bilimsel metotlarla arşivleme ve hizmete sunma, hastalıkları-işlemleri ve sağlıkla ilgili sorunları belirlenen uluslararası sınıflandırma sistemlerine göre sınıflandırma ve kodlama işlemlerini yapma, tıbbi istatistikler ile ilgili verileri derleme ve bilimsel metotlarla analiz ederek sonuçları periyodik olarak ilgililere rapor etme görevlerini yerine getirirler.

Tam burslu eğitim sağlamaktadır.

Öğrenme Ortamları

Öğrenme Kazanımları (Tanım)
  • Tıbbi dokümantasyon ve sekreterlik alanında kuramsal ve uygulamalı bilgiye sahiptir.
  • Tıbbi dokümantasyon ve sekreterlik alanındaki literatürü izleme, değerlendirme ve uygulayabilme bilgisine sahiptir.
  • Tıbbi dokümantasyon ve sekreterlik alanındaki etik ilkeler ve kurallarla ilgili bilgiye sahiptir.
  • Tıbbi dokümantasyon ve sekreterlik alanında edindiği temel düzeydeki bilgi ve becerileri kullanarak verileri yorumlar ve değerlendirir, sorunları tanımlar, analiz eder ve çözüm için planlanan çalışmalarda yer alır.
  • Tıbbi dokümantasyon ve sekreterlik alanındaki uygulamalar için gerekli olan bilgisayar programlarını, araçları ve bilişim teknolojilerini kullanır.
  • Tıbbi dokümantasyon ve sekreterlik alanında sahip olduğu temel bilgi birikimini kullanarak bireysel ve ekip üyesi olarak çalışır.
  • Tıbbi dokümantasyon ve sekreterlik alanında öngörülmeyen durumlarla karşılaştığında sahip olduğu temel bilgi birikimini kullanarak çözüm üretir.
  • Tıbbi dokümantasyon ve sekreterlik alanında sorumluluğu altında çalışanların bir proje çerçevesinde gelişimlerine yönelik etkinlikler düzenler ve yönetir.
  • Tıbbi dokümantasyon ve sekreterlik alanında sahip olduğu temel bilgi ve becerileri kullanarak ilgili kişi ve kurumları bilgilendirir, düşüncelerini ve sorunlara ilişkin çözüm önerilerini uzman olan ve olmayan kişilerle yazılı ve sözlü olarak paylaşır.
  • Tıbbi dokümantasyon ve sekreterlik alanı ile ilgili verilerin toplanması, yorumlanması, uygulanması ve sonuçlarının duyurulması aşamalarında toplumsal, bilimsel, kültürel ve etik değerlere uygun hareket eder.
  • Tıbbi dokümantasyon ve sekreterlik alanında kalite yönetimi ve süreçlerine uygun davranır ve bu süreçlere katılır.

Anahtar Yetkinlikler

Ölçme ve Değerlendirme Yöntemleri

Kalite Güvencesi

Giriş Şartı

Bölüme öğrenci kabulü, üniversitenin akademik ve yasal mevzuatı çerçevesinde ÖSYM tarafından belirlenen süreçleri tamamlama / sınavları başarma durumunda gerçekleşir. Çerçevesini Yükseköğretim Kurulunun (YÖK) oluşturduğu ilgili yönetmelikler doğrultusunda, bu programa öğrenci kabulü YGS olarak adlandırılan merkezi sınav sistemiyle YGS-3 puan türüne göre yapılmaktadır. Öğrenciler, öğrenim görmek istedikleri program tercihlerini bildirdikten sonra bu sınavdan aldıkları puana göre Öğrenci Seçme ve Yerleştirme Merkezi tarafından ilgili programlara yerleştirilmektedir.

Başarma Şartları
Toplam 120 AKTS kredisini, programda belirtildiği şekilde zorunlu ve seçmeli derslerden alarak, minimum 2.00 genel not ortalamasıyla tamamlayan öğrenciler mezuniyete hak kazanır.

İlerleme Yolları (İlişki Türü)

Mezunlar; kamu ve özel sağlık kurum ve kuruluşlarında “Sağlık Teknikeri” unvanı ile çalışabilmektedir. İstihdam alanları; Sağlık Bakanlığına bağlı kamu ve özel yataklı/yataksız sağlık kurum ve kuruluşlarının poliklinik ve klinik bilgi işlem hizmetlerinde, hasta kayıt ve kabulde, insan kaynakları birimlerinde ve merkezi tıbbi arşiv hizmetlerinde çalışabilmektedirler.

Yasal Dayanağı

Geçerlilik Süresi (Varsa)

Yeterlilik sürekli geçerlidir.

Yeterliliğe Erişim için İnternet Adresi
Adresi Aç

Qualification Code


Qualification Title
Tıbbi Dokümantasyon ve Sekreterlik Associate
Awarding BodyUskudar University
Awarding Body Contact
Awarding Body Url
EQF Level5
The Qualification hasn't been included in TQF.
TQF Level 5
Thematic AreasSecretarial and office work
National Occupation Classification -
Credit Value120
Program Duration2
Program Profile-
Learning Environments-

Medical documentation and secretariat has theoretical and practical knowledge in the field. Literature in the field of medical documentation and secretarial monitoring, evaluation and is able to apply knowledge. Medical documentation and secretary information in the field of ethical principles and rules have. Medical documentation and secretarial basic knowledge and skills acquired in the field using the data reviews and evaluate, identify problems, analyze and work planned for the solution takes place in. Medical documentation is required for applications in the field and secretarial computer programs, tools and informatics technology uses. Medical documentation and secretariat have the basic knowledge in the field of individual and team members using runs. Medical documentation and secretary when faced with unforeseen situations in the field have the basic knowledge Using accumulation solutions. Medical documentation and secretarial responsibilities in the field under development in the framework of a project to employees Organizing activities and manages. Medical documentation and secretariat have the basic knowledge and skills in the field using the relevant people and institutions informs their ideas and suggestions for solutions to problems and with people who are experts in writing and orally share. Medical documentation and secretarial related to the field of data collection, interpretation, implementation and results announced stages of the social, scientific, cultural and ethical values abides. Medical documentation and secretariat in the field of quality management and processes comply with and participate in this process.

Key Competencies-
Further Info

Weight Coefficient equivalent letter grades out of 100 points 90-100 4.00 toB 3.50 85-89BB 80-84 3:00CB 75-79 2:502:00 CC 70-74DC 1:50 65-69DD 60-64 1:00FDA 50-59 00:5012:00 FF 0-49 • In a course grade AA, BA, BB , CB, CC, DC and DD has managed to students taking the course are counted. • Students in a course from the course to be successful, it must receive at least DD . • (FDA ), ( FF), ( DZ ) grade students who fail and must repeat that course . • GPA (General Weighted Grade Point Average ) and above 2:00 with water and failed courses in the curriculum students are not considered successful. • GPA (General Weighted Grade Point Average ) of water below 1.80 is passed to the remaining students on probation status . At the end of the fourth semester, a student who is on probation status , probation status primarily to exit ( CC) noted below repeats some of the lessons . The curriculum for all courses in the registered program , graduation thesis and internship completed with success and overall GPA of at least 2.00 on a 4.00 scale successful students who are eligible to receive a diploma . NoProgram Requirements1Medical documentation and secretariat has theoretical and practical knowledge in the field.2Literature in the field of medical documentation and secretarial monitoring, evaluation and is able to apply knowledge3Medical documentation and secretary information in the field of ethical principles and rules have.4Medical documentation and secretarial basic knowledge and skills acquired in the field using the data reviews and evaluate, identify problems, analyze and work planned for the solution takes place in5Medical documentation is required for applications in the field and secretarial computer programs, tools and informatics technology uses6Medical documentation and secretariat have the basic knowledge in the field of individual and team members using runs7Medical documentation and secretary when faced with unforeseen situations in the field have the basic knowledge Using accumulation solutions.8Medical documentation and secretarial responsibilities in the field under development in the framework of a project to employees Organizing activities and manages9Medical documentation and secretarial basic knowledge and skills acquired in the field with a critical approach Evaluate.10Medical documentation and secretariat in the field of lifelong learning and identify learning needs awareness Following the recent developments11Medical documentation and secretariat have the basic knowledge and skills in the field using the relevant people and institutions informs their ideas and suggestions for solutions to problems and with people who are experts in writing and orally share.12At least one foreign language using the European Language Portfolio A2 Level General Medical documentation and secretarial traces in the field of information and communicate with colleagues13European Computer Driving Licence along with a basic level of computer software information and communication technologies uses14Medical documentation and secretarial related to the field of data collection, interpretation, implementation and results announced stages of the social, scientific, cultural and ethical values ??abides.15Medical documentation and secretariat in the field of quality management and processes comply with and participate in this process16Medical documentation and secretariat in the field of individual and public health, environmental protection and work safety issues enough are conscious.17In the field of medical documentation and secretarial duties, rights and responsibilities related laws, regulations, legislation in accordance with professional and ethical values, treats and develops solutions.

Quality Assurance-
Access Requirements

As the regulations arranged by government Higher Education Board (known as YÖK), the students are accepted to the department by the central examination YGS-3 score type. When the students arrange the programe choice, they are located by the Central Student Choice and Arrange Center (known as ÖSYM).

Conditions for SuccessNoProgram Requirements1Medical documentation and secretariat has theoretical and practical knowledge in the field.2Literature in the field of medical documentation and secretarial monitoring, evaluation and is able to apply knowledge3Medical documentation and secretary information in the field of ethical principles and rules have.4Medical documentation and secretarial basic knowledge and skills acquired in the field using the data reviews and evaluate, identify problems, analyze and work planned for the solution takes place in5Medical documentation is required for applications in the field and secretarial computer programs, tools and informatics technology uses6Medical documentation and secretariat have the basic knowledge in the field of individual and team members using runs7Medical documentation and secretary when faced with unforeseen situations in the field have the basic knowledge Using accumulation solutions.8Medical documentation and secretarial responsibilities in the field under development in the framework of a project to employees Organizing activities and manages9Medical documentation and secretarial basic knowledge and skills acquired in the field with a critical approach Evaluate.10Medical documentation and secretariat in the field of lifelong learning and identify learning needs awareness Following the recent developments11Medical documentation and secretariat have the basic knowledge and skills in the field using the relevant people and institutions informs their ideas and suggestions for solutions to problems and with people who are experts in writing and orally share.12At least one foreign language using the European Language Portfolio A2 Level General Medical documentation and secretarial traces in the field of information and communicate with colleagues13European Computer Driving Licence along with a basic level of computer software information and communication technologies uses14Medical documentation and secretarial related to the field of data collection, interpretation, implementation and results announced stages of the social, scientific, cultural and ethical values ??abides.15Medical documentation and secretariat in the field of quality management and processes comply with and participate in this process16Medical documentation and secretariat in the field of individual and public health, environmental protection and work safety issues enough are conscious.17In the field of medical documentation and secretarial duties, rights and responsibilities related laws, regulations, legislation in accordance with professional and ethical values, treats and develops solutions.Total 120 ECTS credits in the program, as indicated by mandatory and elective courses, students completed graduation with a minimum 2.00 cumulative grade point average are eligible.
Progression Paths (Relationship Type)

Graduates public and private health care institutions in the Health Technician can run with the title. Employment areas; MoH public and private inpatient / outpatient medical institutions and organizations, clinics and clinical data processing services, patient registration and admission, in the human resources department and archive services can work at the medical center.

Legal Basis-
Validity Period (If Any)

Qualification is continuous

Url Open Address
Qualification Code


Qualification Title
Tıbbi Dokümantasyon ve Sekreterlik Associate

Awarding Body
Uskudar University

Awarding Body Contact

Awarding Body Url


National Occupation Classification

EQF Level

TQF Level
The Qualification hasn't been included in TQF.

National Occupation Classification


Credit Value

Program Duration

Program Profile

Learning Environments


Medical documentation and secretariat has theoretical and practical knowledge in the field. Literature in the field of medical documentation and secretarial monitoring, evaluation and is able to apply knowledge. Medical documentation and secretary information in the field of ethical principles and rules have. Medical documentation and secretarial basic knowledge and skills acquired in the field using the data reviews and evaluate, identify problems, analyze and work planned for the solution takes place in. Medical documentation is required for applications in the field and secretarial computer programs, tools and informatics technology uses. Medical documentation and secretariat have the basic knowledge in the field of individual and team members using runs. Medical documentation and secretary when faced with unforeseen situations in the field have the basic knowledge Using accumulation solutions. Medical documentation and secretarial responsibilities in the field under development in the framework of a project to employees Organizing activities and manages. Medical documentation and secretariat have the basic knowledge and skills in the field using the relevant people and institutions informs their ideas and suggestions for solutions to problems and with people who are experts in writing and orally share. Medical documentation and secretarial related to the field of data collection, interpretation, implementation and results announced stages of the social, scientific, cultural and ethical values abides. Medical documentation and secretariat in the field of quality management and processes comply with and participate in this process.

Key Competencies

Further Info

Weight Coefficient equivalent letter grades out of 100 points 90-100 4.00 toB 3.50 85-89BB 80-84 3:00CB 75-79 2:502:00 CC 70-74DC 1:50 65-69DD 60-64 1:00FDA 50-59 00:5012:00 FF 0-49 • In a course grade AA, BA, BB , CB, CC, DC and DD has managed to students taking the course are counted. • Students in a course from the course to be successful, it must receive at least DD . • (FDA ), ( FF), ( DZ ) grade students who fail and must repeat that course . • GPA (General Weighted Grade Point Average ) and above 2:00 with water and failed courses in the curriculum students are not considered successful. • GPA (General Weighted Grade Point Average ) of water below 1.80 is passed to the remaining students on probation status . At the end of the fourth semester, a student who is on probation status , probation status primarily to exit ( CC) noted below repeats some of the lessons . The curriculum for all courses in the registered program , graduation thesis and internship completed with success and overall GPA of at least 2.00 on a 4.00 scale successful students who are eligible to receive a diploma . NoProgram Requirements1Medical documentation and secretariat has theoretical and practical knowledge in the field.2Literature in the field of medical documentation and secretarial monitoring, evaluation and is able to apply knowledge3Medical documentation and secretary information in the field of ethical principles and rules have.4Medical documentation and secretarial basic knowledge and skills acquired in the field using the data reviews and evaluate, identify problems, analyze and work planned for the solution takes place in5Medical documentation is required for applications in the field and secretarial computer programs, tools and informatics technology uses6Medical documentation and secretariat have the basic knowledge in the field of individual and team members using runs7Medical documentation and secretary when faced with unforeseen situations in the field have the basic knowledge Using accumulation solutions.8Medical documentation and secretarial responsibilities in the field under development in the framework of a project to employees Organizing activities and manages9Medical documentation and secretarial basic knowledge and skills acquired in the field with a critical approach Evaluate.10Medical documentation and secretariat in the field of lifelong learning and identify learning needs awareness Following the recent developments11Medical documentation and secretariat have the basic knowledge and skills in the field using the relevant people and institutions informs their ideas and suggestions for solutions to problems and with people who are experts in writing and orally share.12At least one foreign language using the European Language Portfolio A2 Level General Medical documentation and secretarial traces in the field of information and communicate with colleagues13European Computer Driving Licence along with a basic level of computer software information and communication technologies uses14Medical documentation and secretarial related to the field of data collection, interpretation, implementation and results announced stages of the social, scientific, cultural and ethical values ??abides.15Medical documentation and secretariat in the field of quality management and processes comply with and participate in this process16Medical documentation and secretariat in the field of individual and public health, environmental protection and work safety issues enough are conscious.17In the field of medical documentation and secretarial duties, rights and responsibilities related laws, regulations, legislation in accordance with professional and ethical values, treats and develops solutions.

Quality Assurance

Access Requirements

As the regulations arranged by government Higher Education Board (known as YÖK), the students are accepted to the department by the central examination YGS-3 score type. When the students arrange the programe choice, they are located by the Central Student Choice and Arrange Center (known as ÖSYM).

Conditions for Success
NoProgram Requirements1Medical documentation and secretariat has theoretical and practical knowledge in the field.2Literature in the field of medical documentation and secretarial monitoring, evaluation and is able to apply knowledge3Medical documentation and secretary information in the field of ethical principles and rules have.4Medical documentation and secretarial basic knowledge and skills acquired in the field using the data reviews and evaluate, identify problems, analyze and work planned for the solution takes place in5Medical documentation is required for applications in the field and secretarial computer programs, tools and informatics technology uses6Medical documentation and secretariat have the basic knowledge in the field of individual and team members using runs7Medical documentation and secretary when faced with unforeseen situations in the field have the basic knowledge Using accumulation solutions.8Medical documentation and secretarial responsibilities in the field under development in the framework of a project to employees Organizing activities and manages9Medical documentation and secretarial basic knowledge and skills acquired in the field with a critical approach Evaluate.10Medical documentation and secretariat in the field of lifelong learning and identify learning needs awareness Following the recent developments11Medical documentation and secretariat have the basic knowledge and skills in the field using the relevant people and institutions informs their ideas and suggestions for solutions to problems and with people who are experts in writing and orally share.12At least one foreign language using the European Language Portfolio A2 Level General Medical documentation and secretarial traces in the field of information and communicate with colleagues13European Computer Driving Licence along with a basic level of computer software information and communication technologies uses14Medical documentation and secretarial related to the field of data collection, interpretation, implementation and results announced stages of the social, scientific, cultural and ethical values ??abides.15Medical documentation and secretariat in the field of quality management and processes comply with and participate in this process16Medical documentation and secretariat in the field of individual and public health, environmental protection and work safety issues enough are conscious.17In the field of medical documentation and secretarial duties, rights and responsibilities related laws, regulations, legislation in accordance with professional and ethical values, treats and develops solutions.Total 120 ECTS credits in the program, as indicated by mandatory and elective courses, students completed graduation with a minimum 2.00 cumulative grade point average are eligible.

Progression Paths (Relationship Type)

Graduates public and private health care institutions in the Health Technician can run with the title. Employment areas; MoH public and private inpatient / outpatient medical institutions and organizations, clinics and clinical data processing services, patient registration and admission, in the human resources department and archive services can work at the medical center.

Legal Basis

Validity Period (If Any)

Qualification is continuous

Open Address